Resultados: 3

Lesões de pele por Equipamentos de Proteção Individual e medidas preventivas no contexto da COVID-19: revisão integrativa

Resumo Objetivo identificar as evidências científicas sobre os tipos de lesões de pele ocasionadas pelo uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual em profissionais de saúde durante a pandemia da COVID-19 e verificar as medidas de prevenção recomendadas. Método trata-se de uma revisão integrati...

Effect of income on the cumulative incidence of COVID-19: an ecological study

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the relationship between per capita income and the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 in the neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Method an ecological study using neighborhoods as units of analysis. The cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants an...

Which curve provides the best explanation of the growth in confirmed COVID-19 cases in Chile?

Objective to explore the best type of curve or trend model that could explain the epidemiological behavior of the infection by COVID-19 and derive the possible causes that contribute to explain the corresponding model and the health implications that can be inferred. Method data were collected from the ...